Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

Peace begins with a smile

I've found a video a from TSO Photography, located on Vimeo and it is called The Arctic Light.  It is a time lapse vidoe and was filmed between 29th April and 10th May 2011 in the Arctic, on
the archipelago Lofoten in Norway.  Her's some of what the film maker had to say;
My favorite natural phenomenon is one I do not even know the name of, even after talking to meteorologists and astrophysicists I am none the wiser.What I am talking about I have decided to call The Arctic Light and it is a natural phenomenon occurring 2-4 weeks before you can see the Midnight Sun.  At 1:06 you see a single scene from day to night to day which is from 9pm to 7am. Think about that for a minute.. 10 hours with light like that.
Pretty awe inspiring stuff accompanied by the appropriate music.  Check it out on Vimeo if you would like a full explanation\description of what, where, etc. Enjoy!

The Arctic Light from TSO Photography on Vimeo.

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